Monday, November 29, 2010


All is well, not too much is new. The only thing new is that Pepe came and sat on my lap for a few minutes tonight while I sat in front of the fireplace. That was cute. She's getting a few dreads with winter being here, I try and brush her but she doesn't really like it. Same with Biscuit, she's got some pretty bad mats that I will try and shave off soon, and give her a bit of an all over trim. Millie and Emmy are good also! Emmy chases Millie sometimes, but she's not very interested.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pepe's outdoor friend...


I glanced into the guest room today and caught this scene! Grey and white tabby outside checking Pepe out. We've seen him(?) around the neighbourhood, he's pretty cool and comes up to you to say 'hi' by throwing himself onto his back on the sidewalk in front of you.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I made a little makeshift loveseat in front of the other window upstairs so Biscuit can look out the front window again, since she graciously gave up her spot to Millie ;).

This is me knitting earlier today and I had a cat on each arm of the chair beside me! So cute!

Extra cute shot of Miss Puffy Pants taken by M. 

And, getting closerrr....doesn't it look like they are all looking at Pepe, wondering why she looks a little uptight about the closeness?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lazy Sunday

It's gloomy, rainy, although mild day here today. The cats are in their current favorite cozy spots napping, Pepe in the guest bedroom on the dresser next to the window, Biscuit curled up on the ottoman in the guest room (aw Pepe and Biskee in the same room!). Millie on the couch upstairs (actually now that I'm at the computer, she's in the cat bed on the desk), and Emmy is on the ottoman under my desk.

Everyone is doing well, the relationships aren't changing much. Pepe's in charge (swats everyone when they walk to close to her) although I've heard her and Biscuit chase each other around upstairs (sounds playful, I think?). Emmy and Biscuit play together. Millie, Emmy and Biscuit are often all together hanging out downstairs with M and I, with Pepe walking onto the scene occasionally.

Below is from last night, it's my computer setup, and where the cats like to be. Biscuit is often somewhere at my feet...I know my camera takes poopy indoor pictures.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting closer to...

...hugging them all at once!

(pay no mind to the ratty-looking network cable)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pics! and a note about Pepe

Everyone is doing well. Now that everyone is comfortable and I see all 4 cats often (no one is hiding anymore), it's starting to feel strange to always have at least one set of eyes on me or someone asking me for some attention.

They are all super sweethearts right now, but I really need to say that since Pepe has come out of hiding and has gotten more comfortable, getting to know her is a treat. She is very unique and has lots of little quirks but once she's comfy with you she is sooooo cuddly and sweet!! She is the cat that hangs out upstairs all the time while the other 3 are usually all downstairs with M and I. But when I go up there she follows me around and rubs up to my legs and jumps on the edge of the tub and stretches up to me and paws my belly so I can pick her up and take her for a walk. She perches on my forearm and clings to my shoulder and purrs and purrs. She is soo sweet.

Anyway, here are some pics from the last couple of days....

I wish I knew what she is trying to say when she does this...

A classic "waiting for breakfast" pose...

This doesn't happen too often but it did today (ended in some slow pawing to the face by both parties)
...and Pepe leaving.

This was 2 days after Emmy arrived...

This is 2 days after Emmy's arrival as well...
Emmy is always in this spot (Biscuit *used* to be, I think she was trying underneath as an alternative, but it didn't become a favorite).