Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pepe's outdoor friend...


I glanced into the guest room today and caught this scene! Grey and white tabby outside checking Pepe out. We've seen him(?) around the neighbourhood, he's pretty cool and comes up to you to say 'hi' by throwing himself onto his back on the sidewalk in front of you.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I made a little makeshift loveseat in front of the other window upstairs so Biscuit can look out the front window again, since she graciously gave up her spot to Millie ;).

This is me knitting earlier today and I had a cat on each arm of the chair beside me! So cute!

Extra cute shot of Miss Puffy Pants taken by M. 

And, getting closerrr....doesn't it look like they are all looking at Pepe, wondering why she looks a little uptight about the closeness?


  1. So cute and funny! I miss them so much, but I'm counting down the days now. 15 days to go!

  2. that's so cute that Millie has an outside friend! she's sure he (?) won't get too close ;)

    Looks like quite the stand-off at the bottom of the stairs! who won? lol

    must make you nervous to knit with all those cats around
